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  1. CTI-MedTech (“Science to Market”) 2009-Today
    A CTI grant of 900’000 CHF has been awarded to the Consortium composed by Forimtech (industrial partner), CHUV and EPFL (academic partners) for a project that is validating the new technology in several clinical applications that will drive the business expansion.
  2. RAPSODI (European FP6 project) 2007-2009
    FP6-COOP project (RAPSODI) in collaboration with 3 European Universities and 3 European companies, aimed to develop a range of novel devices for medical dosimetry and radio-protection, has clearly demonstrated the advantages of new technology.
  3. INTERREG (France-Suisse regional cooperation program) 2005-2007
    Interreg IIIa (cooperation between Rhone-Alps region in France and Bassin Lemanique in Switzerland) in partnership with Advanced Accelerator Applications, cantonal Hospitals of Geneva and Vaud, and Hospital of Grenoble, was focused on the development of  a new intra-operative  probe for cancer surgery and proved superior performance of novel device  in clinical trials.